Monday, March 5, 2012

Gamzatov, Rasul

As I couldn't rezognize my own self in the way I perceived and treated circumstances suroounding my (as of last night broken off) engagement, I wonder if Putin, too, was just a victim of a relationship. A relationship with Russia, the people of Russia, with whom a normal and healthy relationship is impossible, who are not ready for righteous government, who like things rough, and perhaps don't even know what they like. Perhaps he too went into this "relationship" with our country thinking naively and positively, only to have been "broken" by the circumstances. Perhaps he is just weak. Not evil. These are my thoughts of the day. A sad and regretful day.

Дождь шумит за моим окном,
Гром гремит за моим окном.
Все в душе у меня слилось:
Боль и радость, любовь и злость.

Радость я подарю друзьям,
Песне боль я свою отдам.
Людям буду любовь дарить,
Злость оставлю - себя корить.

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